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About me

Name: Sai Pranav Gandhi

Age: 13

Class: VIII

School: Sharada Mandir, Panaji, Goa


1. Conducted multiple workshops on LEGO robotics

2. Made presentations to kids on the topic ‘Learning from toys’, the first one was at the age of 6

3. Participating in Lego robotics competitions since 2018. won the ‘Most inspirational team award’ for First Lego League in 2019 and was ranked one of the top national teams for World Robot olympiad in 2019

4. Won the Regional level and National Level championship at the MakeX robotics competition

5. Won the top prize for the MakeinGoa competition in 2020 for building a unique robot.

6. Won multiple awards at school level chess and at academic olympiads.

7. Secured finalists top 5 position at the MIT app Hackathon contest.

8. Secured 7th rank at the Annual Bebras Competition

9. As part of Team Legogoa i have been part of National level winning team at Makex Robotics, second place at


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