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Showing posts from April, 2024

Dataset generation for mobile app testing

As part of MIT app inventor Hackathon, i and my teammate Viraj Marathe have developed a mobile app AllergyAlly. This AI-powered allergy companion app aims to revolutionise allergy management. Medical history remains a cornerstone in allergy diagnosis, guiding healthcare providers in making informed decisions and providing appropriate care to patients. And this app documents each and every allergic incident and provides detailed report for the healthcare providers with the help of AI. Existing solutions are not satisfactory and our mobile app Allergy ally acts as a companion to persons troubled by allergies. For the rigorous testing of the mobile app we needed a dataset that we could use in the app so that the features of the app could be tested for accuracy. We created a dataset Used python to generate patient allergy incident logs for every 2 days of a year The dataset has the symptoms, triggers, weather summary, mood levels and severity with a pattern to it and is not completely rand...

Chat GPT prompts for mobile app

I and my team mate have been working on building an AI-powered allergy companion app that revolutionizes allergy management ‘AllergyAlly’ The details about the mobile app can be viewed on medium post AllergyAlly AI-powered allergy companion app that revolutionizes allergy management Medical history remains a cornerstone in allergy diagnosis, guiding healthcare providers in making informed decisions and providing appropriate care to patients. And this app documents each and every allergic incident and provides detailed report for the healthcare providers with the help of AI This has been made possible by clever integration with chat GPT by using prompt engineering which makes the app seamless, easy and powerful. The various prompts used are Prompt for symptoms and triggers Log Analyses user submitted information about the allergic incidents, symptoms, triggers, mood etc and populates the log page of the app You are now a part of a large code. Your duty is to understand the in...

AllergyAlly a mobile app

  AI-powered allergy companion app that revolutionizes allergy management. The mobile app was developed as part of submission to the  Global AI Hackathon  using the  MIT app inventor platform  by me and my teammate Viraj Marathe. UPDATE: The Allergy Ally app secured the Honourable Mention Award at the Global AI Hackathon. The World Allergy Organization estimates that 20–30% of the global population experiences some form of allergy. Impact on Quality of Life by Allergies: Missed days Poor Sleep Dietary Restrictions Mental Health Medical history remains a cornerstone in allergy diagnosis, guiding healthcare providers in making informed decisions and providing appropriate care to patients. And this app documents each and every allergic incident and provides detailed report for the healthcare providers with the help of AI. Existing solutions are not satisfactory and our mobile app Allergy ally acts as a companion to persons troubled by allergies. Features of the ap...