
Showing posts from July, 2020

Mobile App 'Prevention is Greater than Cure' P>C

The Mobile App ‘Prevention is Greater than Cure’ P>C was developed by team Legogoa consisting of Venkatesh Dempo and Sai Pranav Gandhi. Its was submitted to the MIT App Inventor Hackathon 2020 In the fight against COVID 19, keeping ourselves healthy and increasing our immunity is the only way to protect ourselves. WELLNESS in Physical, Mental, and Spiritual terms is essential. The statement ‘Prevention is better than Cure’ is so perfect. So we created a unique and innovative concept ‘Wellness quotient’.This app motivates the user to improve his Wellness Quotient through the use of various features in the app like exercises, walking, talking to friends, staying positive, eating healthy etc. Each of these features has been assigned a score and the app calculates the Wellness Quotient based on the scores obtained on each of the features. The user is prompted to improve his Wellness Quotient. And improvement in Wellness Score means improvement in general health leading to better Immuni


Sai Pranav making his first presentation at the Techsplash organised by Goa Information Technology Professionals – GITP on the topic ‘Learning from Toys’ on 17 th April at the District Library, Navelim, Margao, Goa. It was a hour long presentation and had live demo as well.


We has kids have been exposed to various toys. Toys have been primary source of play and entertainment for kids since a long time. Kids across various generations have played with varying level of complex toys. The toys ranged from cycle wheels to wooden blocks. But lately there has been a rapid development of toys industry and toys with varying level of complexity are available. The toys being developed are not only means 0f play and entertainment but also learning.  Lego  Founded in Denmark, Lego has been ranked at the top of toys industry. Lego has been the top most toys attraction for kids and adults alike. As a platform it has encouraged thousands of communities worldwide to create their own spin with the blocks and share with the world. The community support and sharing is what makes LEGO so unique and popular, just like the LegoGoa community of Goa. To know more about Lego click here .  Unlike the popularly known bricks, there are many themes

Other Robotics competitions

There are many robotics competitions that happen in India including the ones that happen in almost every engineering college. In addition to them the prestigious ones are as follows 1.       IIT Mumbai: 2.      Technoxian: 3.      Robofest: 4.      BITS Goa:


A rather new robotics competition platform offers their own kit to participate in the competitions. It is a robotics competition platform that promotes multidisciplinary learning of young people within the fields of science and technology. It aims at building a world where STEAM education is highly appreciated and where young people are passionate about innovation by engaging them in exciting Robotics Competition, STEAM Carnival, etc. As the core activity of MakeX, the namesake MakeX Robotics Competition provides exciting, challenging and high-level competitions in the spirit of creativity, teamwork, fun and sharing. It is committed to inspiring young people to learn Science (S), Technology (T), Engineering (E), Art (A) and Mathematics (M) and apply such knowledge in solving real-world problems. International Website: Indian Website: Team Legogoa MakeX 2019 preps MakeX competition Team Legogoa Coderex consisting of Sai Pranav Gandhi an

First Lego League

The FLL is designed as a sport for the mind and is an alliance between FIRST (For Inspiration & Recognition of Science & Technology) and the LEGO group. The Challenge has three parts: Robot Game, Project, and Core Values. The robotics part of the competition involves designing and programming LEGO Mindstorms robots to complete tasks. The students work out a solution to a problem related to the theme and then meet for regional, national and international tournaments to compete, share their knowledge, compare ideas, and display their robots. Every year, FLL releases a Challenge, which is based on a real-world scientific topic. International Website: Wikipedia: Indian Websites: North: South: West: FLL 2018 preps Visit to Green essentials nursery to learn about growing greens Growing food for spac

World Robot Olympiad

It is an event for science, technology and education which brings together the young people all over the world to develop their creativity and problem solving skills through challenging and educational robotics competitions. Participating teams need to create, design and build a robot model with LEGO MINDSTORMS KIT that solves Human problems. This prestigious event offers students a lot of exposure to competitive environment in coding and robotics. The competition is scheduled in three stages, Regional level, National level and International level. International Website: Indian Website: Wikipedia: In the calendar of LEGO competitive robotics, WRO releases its challenge in January and we have the regional level competitions commencing from June until September every year. The top teams of National level are nominated to participate in the International level champ


Legogoa is founded on the motto of ‘playful learning’. It is a community of people facilitating the learning of kids in the group, through various mediums of toys, robotics etc. It is an informal community based out of personal homes and meet up for various events.