I recently participated in FRC by joining RFactor, A team based in Mumbai. Although I lived in Goa, I would travel to Mumbai during my holidays, especially during Diwali, Christmas and summer holidays. Despite this restriction I persevered by spending 16-18 hours every day at the lab. With this commitment I was able to contribute hugely to the team in the areas of Programming, CAD and prototyping. Me and Viraj together managed the entire programming aspect and coded the swerve drive of the robot. We used pathplanner and YAGSL for this and were able to make a highly accurate swerve. Using a pathplanner meant that our robot's autonomous code was very accurate and could correct itself at any moment using accurate odometry. This meant we could change the autonomous path right before the match and adjust our autonomous to our alliances. Due to our accurate odometry and pathplanner our autonomous would never fail and always deliver us points. We used paths of 1+1 and 2+1 based on our al...
Portfolio of Sai Pranav Gandhi