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Ninja Fight game built for competition

Ninja Fight game is a scrolling platform game that challenges one player to overcome obstacles and destroy the Enemy boss. The unique idea of this Game project is that the playing difficulty can be changed. There is a feature to select levels to 1-10. Additionally with the AI feature the game automatically recommends the difficulty based on how well the player did in the previous round. The recommendation can still be changed using the slider and the player can change the difficulty to whatever he/she wants. The following are the major features of the game which indicates the level of complexity in the code used to design the game. Play video of the game narrated by Sai Pranav Try playing this simple game View it at The main features of this games are listed below Artificial Intelligence: The AI calculates the recommended value when the player wins by,  Prediction = Round((Difficulty – (Minutes taken * 0.8)) + (Hearts / 3)). It also calculates the val...

SMILES mobile app

This is an app that I have developed, as part of the FOM (Fear/ fun of Maths) series wherein I try to simplify concepts of maths. This app solves simultaneous linear equations The app was built using MIT app Inventor platform

Project Farm3r

FARM3R PROJECT AIMS TO DEVELOP AUTOMATION IN AGRICULTURE WITH THE HELP OF ROBOTICS. Team Members: Venkatesh Dempo, Darsh, Sai Pranav Gandhi, Taksh Parekh The project was submitted to Techfest, IIT Bombay organised by IIT Bombay and WitBlox as part of ‘Young Inventor 2020’ under theme Innovation in FarmingTeam Legogoa has developed automation models with the help of Lego robotics kit for various farming operations. The automation bots are modular in nature and can be easily switched to carry out multiple farm operationsThe most important part of the project is that the entire model is based on Farm Automation as a Service model and not as Buy model. The farmer will be able to hire the robots on hourly basis just like tractor to carry out the farm operations in a easy and efficient manner.For more details on the project check out website

VOX Mobile App

App Title:  VOX Theme:  Community Computational Action Team Members: App is built by three young kids of Team Legogoa- Sai Pranav, Vedant and Viraj Achievement: The app won the third place in youth category for Popular Choice award at the MIT Appathon 2021 App Description: VOX – Voice to All VOX (‘voice’ in Latin) is a hyperlocal app that provides a platform for citizens to voice their opinions and suggestions or their concerns about proposed projects in their community, so that the really people-friendly and transformative ideas get translated into reality and others get discarded. It is also a medium for citizens to participate in the development process by expressing their felt needs and new ideas. VOX mobile app Problem  NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard), is used to characterise the opposition of residents to a proposed development plan in their area, due to which many projects do not take off. This happens because: Opinions of citizens that are supporting the project are ...

WRO 2020-X, Open Category by Team Legogoa Coderex, Elementary level

The theme is CLIMATE SQUAD MISSIONS and the teams had to come up with ideas on 1. Manufacture locally to avoid transportation 2. Restoring nature’s ability to regulate the climate Team Legogoa researched and found out that its home state #Goa in Country #India had its largest share of carbon emission arising from transport due to import of goods. Vegetables and fruits having the larger share. The Team members Venkatesh Dempo, Vedant Abhyankar and Sai Pranav Gandhi have come up with in automated farming solution to help increase farming in Goa by providing automation running on renewable energy.The farming solution titled ‘Farm3r has multiple components run by an automated bot that is controlled remotely to carry out ploughing and harrowing. The Plant3r carries out sowing as per desired plant to plant and row to row spacing and also performs harvesting.The vegetation thus cultivated due to farming leads to absorption of Carbon Dioxide from Atmosphere. Their solution also he...

Pocket Money Problem

This SCRATCH game was built by me as part of the FOM series i.e. Fear of Maths turning to Fun of Maths as submission to Google Code 2020 submission. This is a simple game to play with Pocket Money to be deposited in piggy banks and learn Algebra. The game helps understand the concept of solving Linear Algebraic equations. First screen explains the problem Second screen provides option to select the money to be deposited in the two piggy banks and solves the problem by listing all the values in a table. Third screen shows the equations for both the piggy banks. Fourth screen uses Coordinate Geometry to plot the graph as per the values of the table from screen two. The answer is in the intersection point of the Iggy values plot and Diggy values a plot The fifth screen provides a Linear Algebraic equation solver which enables user to input values as per ones choice to arrive values for X and Y. View it at

I play with Robots but learn Math and Science the fun way, TEDx Talk

Fear of Math & Science can often make STEM learning a miserable experience for many children and their parents too. Sai Pranav Gandhi, who is hardly 10 years old dispels quite a few myths as he demonstrates how learning Math & Science has become fun for him thanks to Robotics, his favorite play time activity. The talk was recorded in March 2020 at Kala Academy, Panaji Goa during the TEDxPanaji event