
A rather new robotics competition platform offers their own kit to participate in the competitions. It is a robotics competition platform that promotes multidisciplinary learning of young people within the fields of science and technology. It aims at building a world where STEAM education is highly appreciated and where young people are passionate about innovation by engaging them in exciting Robotics Competition, STEAM Carnival, etc.

As the core activity of MakeX, the namesake MakeX Robotics Competition provides exciting, challenging and high-level competitions in the spirit of creativity, teamwork, fun and sharing. It is committed to inspiring young people to learn Science (S), Technology (T), Engineering (E), Art (A) and Mathematics (M) and apply such knowledge in solving real-world problems.

International Website:

Indian Website:

Team Legogoa MakeX 2019 preps

MakeX competition

Team Legogoa Coderex consisting of Sai Pranav Gandhi and Venkatesh Dempo participated in the MakeX competition starter edition. The completion is based on the Mbot robot and mblock software. The team won the regional round in Bangalore and then also won the National Championship in Mumbai


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